On Thu, 25 Apr 2013 10:30:31 -0400
Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> > The configure script is typically generated by a build machine that
> > has autotools installed, and included in a distribution tarball.
> > The user unpacks the tarball and runs the configure script.  He
> > doesn't need the autotools and he doesn't generate the scirpt.
> >
> > Anyone building from the Fossil repository should IMO be prepared to
> > run autogen & co., and to have other ancillary tools ready as well.
> >
> >
> If that is so, then there is no harm in including ./configure from an
> older autoconf in the repo, since anybody who wants to build for an
> unusual platform that the older autoconf did not support can simply
> rerun autoconf.  Right?

Only if you find it convenient for your purposes.  Your expressed
concern was that upgrading autoconf brings ugly changes to the source
code repository.  I only asked why you bother to archive configure,
because, if you don't, that particular problem goes away.  

On the FreeTDS project, we just archive every released tarball on the
FTP server.  Version 0.1 from 1998, a mere 26 KB, is still available
just in case someone wants to run a featureless version on a 
Pentium II.  

I agree that upgrading autoconf is a nuisance; it's far from my
favorite software.  

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