On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 9:06 AM, Marten Feldtmann <itli...@schrievkrom.de>wrote:

> I have written a wrapper for VASmalltalk and I had tested it (under
> Windows 7/32bit - with the downloadable dll's) up to 3.7.11.
> Today I used the 3.7.16/17 and foudn out, that all the stuff, where
> callbacks to Smalltalk (from SQLite) are used (tracing, external functions)
> did not work any more.
> Has anything changed (calling conventions ?) between these (official)
> versions (dll) under Windows? I have not found anything in the version
> documentation.

Nothing has changed.  SQLite sometimes adds a new API, but existing APIs
are always supported for backwards compatibility.  Applications written
against SQLite version 3.0.0 should compile and link against SQLite version
3.7.17 without any issues.

> I was not able to find/download 3.7.12/13/14/15 versions to find out,
> where the problems started ?

You can download source code from the Fossil repository (
http://www.sqlite.org/src/) - just go to the version you want (using the
"Tags" menu option might quickly show you official releases) then click on
the "ZIP Archive" or "Tarball" links to the right of the "Downloads:" label
on the check-in information page.

> Thanks,
> Marten Feldtmann
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