Am 31.08.2013 22:01, schrieb Etienne:
  On Sat, 31 Aug 2013 17:17:23 +0200
  Etienne <> wrote:

  > > On the other hand removing patterns definitely cannot hurt.
  > Precisely.
  > The very first bytes of SQLite files are, AFAIK, well known.

  That's what salt is for, no?

"nonce", "IV", "salt" - call it whatever you want.  Yes.

I simply wanted to warn the OP that wxSQLite, while free, does NOT use

Well, that's not completely true. The encryption extension coming with wxSQLite3 uses a different IV (initial vector) for each database page. True is that the IVs are not random, but deduced from the page number. However, I don't see much difference between generating an IV algorithmic or using a random nonce which is stored at the end of each database page as SEE does according to the documentation to be found here:

In both cases you know the IV - at least if you have access to the code generating it (which is the case for wxSQLite3 as it is open source, but not for SEE as it is closed source).

The weak point of probably all SQLite encryption methods is that the unencrypted content of the first 16 bytes of a SQLite database file is well known. To get a better encryption maybe the first 16 bytes should always be kept unencrypted to not give a clue to a known pattern.

2 SQLite DBs built exactly the same way at different times are
byte-to-byte identical.

That's true. However, in real life it probably matters only for read-only databases. As soon as different people start to work with such an encrypted database, the database files will certainly deviate from each other considerably as it is very unlikely that all users perform their actions in exactly the same order.

BTW, you only get identical database files if you use the same passphrase. If the passphrase is hardcoded into the software then certainly this may impose a problem. However, for an application with high security demands you certainly shouldn't hardcode the passphrase into the software.



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