On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt <
pep...@vaneeckhoudt.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> In the extension I'm developing (https://bitbucket.org/luciad/libgpkg)
> I'm currently adding support for queries like:
> select Distance(
>   GeomFromText('Point(13.457 3)'),
>   geometry
> ) from table;
> GeomFromText takes a string and outputs a geometry blob
> Distance takes two geometry blobs and returns a double
> In order to speed up the distance function I was wondering if I could
> use aux_data to cache the parsed version of the first parameter since
> this remains the same for every call. So far I haven't been able to get
> this to work though, aux_data is always NULL, no matter what I try.
> My hunch is that this is because the first parameter is the result of a
> function call which could in theory return different values for each row
> even if the input parameters are constant. Is that correct?


> Are there any other ways to kind of memoize the GeomFromText function
> (or the parameters to distance) besides aux_data?
> Thanks,
> Pepijn
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