Hi, all,

i'm looking for a clarification on what is certainly a bit of pedantry on
my part:


specifies that we can overload built-in funcs with UDFs:

"Built-in functions may be overloaded by new application-defined functions."

Does "overload" imply "override" if the name/arg count/encoding/state
match, or is it an error to override a function? The docs don't seem to
explicitly mention the (admittedly unusual) exact-match case, but the
paragraph above that one seem to be intended that a name/arg-count overload
is an error:

"It is permitted to register multiple implementations of the same functions
with the same name but with either differing numbers of arguments or
differing preferred text encodings."

i've been on this list long enough to know that someone out there is going
to ask, "why would you do that?" In brief: in porting the Fossil SCM to a
library API i need to use a different approach to how it overrides
localtime() with its own variant (it uses a C macro to replace localtime()
with fossil_localtime(), which uses app-global state, whereas i have a
library API and thus local state), and currently overriding it, as opposed
to overloading it, is what i'm aiming to do (when the time comes to port
those bits, which isn't tonight). But... i won't if you guys can tell me in
advance that it will fail.

Happy Hacking!

----- stephan beal
sqlite-users mailing list

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