Simon Slavin <> wrote:

> On 7 Oct 2013, at 3:45pm, dean gwilliam <> wrote:
> > sqlite> UPDATE itms SET std_nm=(SELECT std_nm FROM aliases as x WHERE 
> > raw_nm = x
> > .raw_nm);
> looking at it without the 'AS' ...
> UPDATE itms SET std_nm=(SELECT std_nm FROM aliases WHERE raw_nm = 
> aliases.raw_nm);
> I'm wondering whether you actually mean
> UPDATE itms SET std_nm=(SELECT std_nm FROM aliases WHERE raw_nm = 
> itms.raw_nm);
> or something like that.
> Simon.
> _______________________________________________
> sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite> create table t (k integer primary key, d integer);
sqlite> insert into t (k) values (1);
sqlite> insert into t (k) values (2);
sqlite> insert into t (k) values (3);
sqlite> create table t2 (k integer primary key, d integer);
sqlite> insert into t2 (d) values (101);
sqlite> insert into t2 (d) values (102);
sqlite> select * from t;
k           d         
----------  ----------
1           <>        
2           <>        
3           <>        
sqlite> select * from t2;
k           d         
----------  ----------
1           101       
2           102       
sqlite> update t set d = (select d from t2 where t2.k = t.k);
sqlite> select changes();
sqlite> select * from t;
k           d         
----------  ----------
1           101       
2           102       
3           <>        
sqlite> update t set d = null;
sqlite> update t set d = 103 where k = 3;
sqlite> select * from t;
k           d         
----------  ----------
1           <>        
2           <>        
3           103       
sqlite> update t set d = (select d from t2 where t2.k = t.k);
sqlite> select changes();
sqlite> select * from t;
k           d         
----------  ----------
1           101       
2           102       
3           <>        
sqlite> update t set d = null;
sqlite> update t set d = 103 where k = 3;
sqlite> select * from t;
k           d         
----------  ----------
1           <>        
2           <>        
3           103       
sqlite> update t set d = (select d from t2 where t2.k = t.k) 
   ...> where t.k in (select k from t2);
sqlite> select changes();
sqlite> select * from t;
k           d         
----------  ----------
1           101       
2           102       
3           103       

In the original post, the columns raw_nm and x.raw_nm
are the same column, so the condition is always true.
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