
for a SQLite db I would like to define a collation for german "Umlaute" (don't know the english word for that, sorry) and "Sonderzeichen" (äöü, ÄÖÜ, ß), so that:

ß=s (or, better: ß=ss)

I want to use such a collation even on columns which are indeces, so I would like to "connect" the collation to the column/index at the time creating the column/index, not only in the later SELECTs. And I suppose, that I really don't have to specify the collation in the SELECTs if it is connected to the index. Is that right?

It should work like that:

CREATE TABLE person (name text);
CREATE INDEX idx_name on person (name COLLATE umlaute);

and later on

SELECT name FROM person ORDER BY name;
    /* whithout specifying the collation again! */

should give


instead of


I'm sure, that I'm not the first fellow, who would like, but I don't find a solution for my problem.

Any help will be very wellcome!

By the way: I define my db, tables and indices using a SQL script, which I execute by the .read command in sqlite3 (under Ubuntu Linux). But I don't find any possibility to define any collation. I just found how to use an allredy existing collation. Isn't it possible, what I want?

Another way could be possible: I use python as my programming language, with the apsw module to connect to the SQLite db. There is a method apsw.connection.createcollation, which registers a (python)-sorting-(collate-)function as a collation. That can be used later, for example in SELECTs. Could it also be used in CREATE TABLEs or CREATE INDEXs? In this case I could define my db, tables and indices within python/apsw instead of the SQL-script and .read. Right?

The background is very simple: in my db I store german people with their name, address and so on, and there are these "Umlaute" in the names, and the row name has its own index.

Now I brought more text then I would like to... but I hope for Your help!


Ulrich Goebel
Paracelsusstr. 120, 53177 Bonn
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