On 3 Nov 2013, at 1:24pm, Raheel Gupta <raheel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In order to avoid this, I had to use journal_mode=wal so that two threads
> dont have to wait when they both are doing SELECTs which might be taking
> 3-5 seconds to process.

I assume you have designed your indexes specifically for your WHERE and ORDER 
BY clauses.  And that you have set an appropriate SQLite time-out so you don't 
have to handle time-outs in your own programming.

> I was wondering if Row Level Locking would be introduced in
> journal_mode=delete as its there in InnoDB for MySQL. Atleast for selects
> or inserts Row Level rocking should be possible as neither modify the
> existing rows.

It /might/ be possible to introduce table-level locking, but row-level locking 
is actually very complicated.  Not only do you have to lock that row of the 
table data, you have to lock that chunk in all the indexes.  You also have to 
make sure that no operation makes changes to any of the indexes which might 
cause that row to be skipped or duplicated in a scan, which means that locking 
a row really means locking a range of rows in certain indexes.  There are also 
opportunities for deadlock which need to be dealt with, introducing lots of 
extra programming.

SQLite gets a lot of its speed because it doesn't have to do complicated 
checking whenever it does things, it just tests to see whether the entire 
database is locked.  Having to continually check for locking on each row would 
make it far slower.  There's a good chance that having to check for locking in 
every _step() rather than just once per SELECT would actually give you slower 
results than you currently have.

> journal_mode=wal is a little slower and has its own limitations over NFS.

NFS access is not suitable for SQLite because locking under NFS is 
untrustworthy.  Please see


If you really need concurrent multi-computer access then your project may be 
more suited to a DBMS with server/client architecture.  Those are inherently 
better for NFS because they don't use the NFS for database transactions: the 
database is actually accessed only from software running on a computer which 
accesses the file locally.  See the last section of


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