Features are not available before they are introduced.  For example, CTE's will 
not work with 3.6.22.

The "ignore cruft from brain-dead SQL code generators" feature was not added to 
the parser until after 3.6.22.

select * from A JOIN B ON a = b

is mere syntactic sugar for

select * from A,B where a = b

and as such using brackets (in the from list) is useless.  A "feature" was 
added, after 3.6.22,  to ignore the excess cruft generated by many brain-dead 
SQL code generators.

It is and always has been syntactically unacceptable to say:

select * from A, (B, C), D where a.a = b.b AND b.b = b.c and b.c = b.d

Putting brackets around or re-ordering arbitrary clauses in the where clause 
also serves no useful purpose or effect.

The absolute worst and most brain-dead offenders are Microsoft Products (any 
and all of them) and "Microsoft SQL".

The long and the short is that if the brackets do not do anything (ie, are 100% 
syntactic sugar/atmosphere) then get rid of them.  They will only make your 
(and anyone who must look at your SQL) life miserable.

>-----Original Message-----
>I have used
>#sqlite3 --version
>at command line and got 3.6.22 as the version
>Does that mean the type of query i am trying wont work?

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