Lets not throw honey at the problem when a bear is around.  Some of the
things I've seen in this thread just makes it sound like the kitchen sink
should be included in this application.

I don't like the idea of letting the software decide what should be done
based on a configuration file.  Linux and Windows both can isolate
processes from each other, be completely independent, and not worry about
pesky configuration files.  Yeah most linux distros do have a /home
directory, but some 'root only' devices don't, or may not even have ${HOME}
defined as per James suggested.  If you're going to go as far as throwing
parameters at sqlite3.exe/sqlite3.so/sqlite3.whatever to indicate where a
configuration file is, you might as well start including the database you
want to write to.  With this, you're throwing additional code on a fully
multiplatform compatible application that has to be aware of checks and
balances against every OS this CAN be run on.  Overkill when a simple note
to the user will do.

I'm all for the notification, sans color/colours/fonts.  If needed, throw a
few asterisks before and after a warning indicating that pending a load,
anything done is written to an in-memory database, and be done with it.

I'm not for over-complicating a simple thing that the user needs to be
notified of.  Maybe lose the colors if necessary for some terminals, but
all in all, I think what Richard posted earlier is sufficient for the cause.
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