> The ticket is http://www.sqlite.org/src/info/8c63ff0eca
> The problem is that in the virtual machine that SQLite uses, a pair
> of concurrent co-routines (one for each of the two SELECTs in the
> UNION ALL) are both trying to use the same temporary register at the
> same time.  Bummer.

Yep, bummer, but thanks for the quick confirmation. At least from my
point of view I can now mark this issue as "someone else's problem."

The actual query that broke for me was a UNION ALL with 7 SELECT
statements, and I'm not really looking forward to having to run and
sort those independently client-side.  If you manage to determine some
kind of work-around for the condition occuring I'd appreciate hearing
about it, although potentially 7 co-routines hitting the same register
is 7 times harder to avoid...

Mark Lawrence
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