On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 1:11 PM, nobre <nobr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi! Given this schema:
> create table q (id integer primary key, idLevel integer);
> create table level (id integer primary key);
> insert into q values(1, 1);
> insert into q values(2, 1);
> insert into q values(3, 1);
> insert into level values(1);
> When running this query:
> select p.* FROM
> q as p
> inner join level pn ON (p.idLevel = pn.id)
> where p.idLevel = 1
> ORDER BY  random()  LIMIT 10
> The results are not on random order on SQLite
> Verifying with EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN , it can be seen that no ORDER BY step is
> included.
> if one of the following is changed:
> LEFT join level instead of inner or the where clause condition is changed
> to
> p.idLevel >=1 and p.idLevel <= 1, the Order by step is included in the
> query, and the result order is random as expected.
> Anything I'm missing ?

Now fixed on trunk.  http://www.sqlite.org/src/info/dca1945aeb

D. Richard Hipp
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