On 5 March 2014 10:04, Igor Korot <ikoro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, ALL,
> Let's say I have a table with following data:
> field1    field2    field3   field4
> 1            2          3         4
> 5           6           7         8
> How do I write a query which will produce the output as:
> 1 2
> 5 6
> 3 4
> 7 8
> Is it possible to write a single query which will produce the output like
> this?
> And not just in SQLite....

select v1, v2 from ( select 1 as ordr, f1 as v1, f2 as v2 from t union
all select 2, f3, f4 from t ) order by ordr, v1;

> Thank you.

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