Dear SQLiters,

Could some help if this is bad design or my lack of knowledge of SQL:

I have a table that keeps track of bad metrics from exams: 

badMetric(examID, metric, reason)

I want to filter-out bad ones and keep only good ones from the user request:

request(examID, metric).

I thought:

SELECT request.examID, request.metric FROM request, badMetric
WHERE NOT (request.examID = badMetric.examID AND request.metric = 

This produces empty list. Is it because the badMetric is actually empty and 
"FROM request, badMetric" produces cross product of not-empty with empty tables 
which is an empty table?

Is this a bad design and I should add a quality column:
badMetric(examID, metric, reason, quality)

What could be other solutions?

Thank you,

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