Ok, you can store a JSON like structure, or plist, coding is a creative
discipline, not a nerd stuff.

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 12:16 PM, mm.w <0xcafef...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ok, you can store a JSON like structure, by reproducing the graf""
> adapted to SQL I wrote that (for fun, not only writing code for my day to
> day job) [mostly that what core data does with all this mysterious ids,
> that's just a transpose vertical to horizontal],  there are
> primitive-tables named by serializable types and the tree is represented by
> addresses, like any recursive expat-like parser will do.
> On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 10:13 PM, Keith Medcalf <kmedc...@dessus.com>wrote:
>> >>> Your data is from MongoDB :)  Note they do have an extended JSON to
>> >>> deal with types like ObjectId, binary and dates:
>> >> Yes, it is. But I control the document structure and it does not have
>> >> any types that can't be converted easily after a pull over the net.
>> >
>> >Does that mean you can make it individual fields instead of a list?  As
>> >Petite Abeille pointed out you need to do SQL things the SQL way or you
>> >will end up in a world of hurt.
>> You need to use a RELATIONAL datastore in a RELATIONAL way.  This applies
>> whether your access method is SQL, ISAM, HIDAM, BDAM or VSAM.  If the
>> underlying datastore is not relational, you may also be able to use one (or
>> more) of the mentioned access methods.  However, then you will be able to
>> store non-relational data in it and manupulate it easily.  SQLite is a
>> RELATIONAL datastore that uses the SQL access method.
>> Please do not confuse the access method and the datastore.  The datastore
>> defines the properties of the filing cabinets, and the access method the
>> language spoken by the filing clerk.
>> Any filing clerk can be taught to use many underlying storage cabinet
>> systems, just as any given storage cabinet system may be accessed by any
>> number of clerks speaking different languages.
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