Given a path, say:


One would like to decompose it into all its components, say:


Let further assume one would like to use only SQLite's build-in mechanism to 
achieve this.

Any clever way to achieve this?

FWIW, here is a rather weak attempt, using recursive CTE:

  select  '/subversion/bindings/swig/java/org/tigris/subversion/client/' as path
Component( path, leftover, component, position )
  select  path,
          substr( path, instr( substr( path, 2 ), '/' ) + 1 ) as leftover,
          substr( path, 2, instr( substr( path, 2 ), '/' ) - 1 ) as component,
          1 as position
  from    DataSet

  union all
  select  Component.path as path,
          substr( Component.leftover, instr( substr( Component.leftover, 2 ), 
'/' ) + 1 ) as leftover,
          substr( Component.leftover, 2, instr( substr( Component.leftover, 2 
), '/' ) - 1 ) as component,
          Component.position + 1 as position
  from    Component
  where   Component.leftover != '/'
select    path, 
            select    '/' || group_concat( self.component, '/' ) || '/'
            from      Component self
            where     self.path = Component.path
            and       self.position <= Component.position

            group by  self.path
          ) as component_path
from      Component

order by  path, position;

While this work for one path, it doesn’t quite scale to multiple of them as the 
CTE gets re-executed over and over. One could cache the CTE in a temp table, 
and decompose the query into separated steps, but that would be rather 
inconvenient altogether.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Alternatives?


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