On 06/18/2014 05:17 PM, JohnG wrote:
gelmjw@voyager /var/www/sqlite3/finviz $ sqlite3 -version
3.7.9 2011-11-01 00:52:41 c7c6050ef060877ebe77b41d959e9df13f8c9b5e
gelmjw@voyager /var/www/sqlite3/finviz $

gelmjw@voyager /var/www/sqlite3/finviz $ uname -a
Linux voyager 3.2.0-23-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 10 20:39:51 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
gelmjw@voyager /var/www/sqlite3/finviz $

gelmjw@voyager /var/www/sqlite3/finviz $ cat finviz.init
.stats on
.timer on
.mode columns
.headers on
select load_Extension('libsqlitefunctions.so');
gelmjw@voyager /var/www/sqlite3/finviz $ fuser finviz.db <===== no one is using the file gelmjw@voyager /var/www/sqlite3/finviz $ cd /var/www/sqlite3/finviz/; sqlite3 -init finviz.init finviz.db
-- Loading resources from finviz.init

Memory Used:                         75064 (max 76472) bytes
Number of Outstanding Allocations:   101 (max 102)
Number of Pcache Overflow Bytes:     1024 (max 1024) bytes
Number of Scratch Overflow Bytes:    0 (max 0) bytes
Largest Allocation:                  64000 bytes
Largest Pcache Allocation:           1024 bytes
Largest Scratch Allocation:          0 bytes
Lookaside Slots Used:                0 (max 0)
Successful lookaside attempts:       0
Lookaside failures due to size:      0
Lookaside failures due to OOM:       0
Pager Heap Usage:                    1696 bytes
Page cache hits:                     0
Page cache misses:                   0
Schema Heap Usage:                   0 bytes
Statement Heap/Lookaside Usage:      1664 bytes
Fullscan Steps:                      0
Sort Operations:                     0
Autoindex Inserts:                   0
CPU Time: user 0.000000 sys 0.004000
SQLite version 3.7.9 2011-11-01 00:52:41
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .tables <=====
fvall  v110   v120   v130   v140   v160   v170
sqlite> delete from v110; <=====
Memory Used:                         13570240 (max 1249828600) bytes
Number of Outstanding Allocations:   4425 (max 977900)
Number of Pcache Overflow Bytes:     5090048 (max 1239999800) bytes
Number of Scratch Overflow Bytes:    0 (max 0) bytes
Largest Allocation:                  8388608 bytes
Largest Pcache Allocation:           1272 bytes
Largest Scratch Allocation:          0 bytes
Lookaside Slots Used:                0 (max 0)
Successful lookaside attempts:       0
Lookaside failures due to size:      0
Lookaside failures due to OOM:       0
Pager Heap Usage:                    5091288 bytes
Page cache hits:                     974845
Page cache misses:                   974845
Schema Heap Usage:                   14960 bytes
Statement Heap/Lookaside Usage:      1296 bytes
Fullscan Steps:                      0
Sort Operations:                     0
Autoindex Inserts:                   0
CPU Time: user 5.016314 sys 19.457216
Error: database is locked <=====
sqlite> < =====I was stuck here

Why? No one was using finviz.db beforehand. Who locked it?

Now, I open another terminal....

gelmjw@voyager /var/www/sqlite3/finviz $ fuser finviz.db
/var/www/sqlite3/finviz/finviz.db: 26235
gelmjw@voyager /var/www/sqlite3/finviz $ ps aux |grep 26235
gelmjw 26235 23.5 30.7 1280028 1245304 pts/1 S+ 16:53 0:24 sqlite3 -init finviz.init finviz.db gelmjw 26250 0.0 0.0 13588 896 pts/2 S+ 16:55 0:00 grep --colour=auto 26235
gelmjw@voyager /var/www/sqlite3/finviz $
Well, that is me trying to 'delete from v110;' !!!

So, I am keeping me from deleting?

How do I clear this lock condition?

John Gelm

I apologize for reposting this. The suggestion to run sqlite3 <[file] will only return to the Linux command line. I was debugging and needed access to the sqlite3 interactive command line.

Please review the lines above annotated with <=====.

The questions are:

Why was there the "Error: database is locked"? The error was reproducible by using .quit and then re entering the interactive mode.

Is there a BUG? , or

How should I have cleared the error without rebooting the system?

John Gelm

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