On 14 Jul 2014, at 11:19am, Kees Nuyt <k.n...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Jul 2014 18:00:59 +0100, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org>
> wrote:
>> I had to explain to some users that a database
>> change is not 'safe' until the database is closed.
> As far as I know, a database change is safe after a successfull COMMIT.
> Commit also releases locks.

That's what the documentation says, and it's a safe way to operate if all your 
access to the file is via one API.  Unfortunately, the drivers for many storage 
media lie to the operating system and do not flush changes to disk when told 
to.  On a test system running Windows 98, using a C program writing a text 
file, I was able to prove that doing all the locking and flushing the 
documentation required still did not properly update the file on disk.  
However, the file was always updated by a few seconds after the file was closed 
so I have used that as a yardstick ever since.

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