Ketil Froyn <> wrote:

> Hi,
> In debugging and inspecting applications using sqlite, I find it would be
> very useful to log some or all queries sent to the database, ideally also
> with timing information on how long it took to gather and send the
> response, so that it can be determined what queries are received and how
> long each query actually takes. It's possible to do this at the application
> level, but I think it would be very useful to do this using sqlite itself.
> If detailed query logging could be enabled in the database with a pragma or
> by using a debug version of the libarry somehow, it would let users and
> developers get standardised details about what queries are run and how long
> they take, even temporarily on a live system.
> There's lots of situations where this could be useful, like switching on
> and off debugging on the fly in live/production systems to identify
> transient problems or bottlenecks, and debugging software using sqlite with
> a live dataset without necessarily having to recreate the working
> conditions in a controlled environment, and without recompiling, and
> without developing/enabling support for sql debugging in the application.
> I've used mysql-proxy in the past to debug mysql databases in this way, and
> it was very effective. But since there's no network connection involved in
> sqlite, this method can't be used to temporarily redirect the queries in
> the same way.
> Have I missed a way to do something like this in sqlite already, or would
> you regard this as a feature request?
> Thanks, Ketil

Hi Ketil

SQLite allows you to that.  See:


You call sqlite3_profile(...) once to register a callback.
I use something like this:

sqlite3_profile(db, SqliteProfileCallback, db);

And for the callback, I use something like this:

static void SqliteProfileCallback(void* aDb, const char* aQueryStr,
sqlite3_uint64 aTimeInNs)
  sqlite3* db = static_cast<sqlite3*>(aDb);
  const char* dbName = sqlite3_db_filename(db, "main");

  // Statistics per DB connection.
  // See:
  int cacheUsed[2]  = { 0, 0 };
  int schemaUsed[2] = { 0, 0 };
  int stmtUsed[2]   = { 0, 0 };
  int cacheHit[2]   = { 0, 0 };
  int cacheMiss[2]  = { 0, 0 };
  sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED,  &cacheUsed[0],
&cacheUsed[1],  0);
  sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_SCHEMA_USED, &schemaUsed[0],
&schemaUsed[1], 0);
  sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_STMT_USED,   &stmtUsed[0],
&stmtUsed[1],   0);
  sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_HIT,   &cacheHit[0],
&cacheHit[1],   0);
  sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_MISS,  &cacheMiss[0],
&cacheMiss[1],  0);

  fprintf(stderr, "SQLite profile: msec=[%llu] mem/high/lim=[%lld/%lld/%lld] "
                     "schema=[%d] stmt=[%d] cache=[%d]
hit/miss=[%d/%d] db=[%s] sql=[%s]",
           aTimeInNs/1000000,             // Time taken by the query
in milliseconds.

           sqlite3_memory_used(),         // Global memory used by
SQLite now in bytes.
           sqlite3_memory_highwater(0),   // Global high water mark of
memory used by SQLite in bytes.
           sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64(-1), // Global current heap limit
in bytes (a hint only).

           schemaUsed[0],                 // Memory used by this
connection for the schema.
           stmtUsed[0],                   // Memory used by this
connection for statements.
           cacheUsed[0],                  // Memory used by this
connection for cache.

           cacheHit[0], cacheMiss[0],     // SQLite cache hit/miss stats.
           dbName, aQueryStr);

That gives lots of useful information to find slow queries, memory
usage, etc.  But I'm curious whether there is anything else useful
that could be logged inside the profile or trace callback.

One thing that I would like, is to be able to call sqlite3_stmt_status(...)
to get information about the statement inside the callback. But
the sqlite3_stmt object is not available inside the callback
unfortunately and I don't see how to make it available, other
than changing SQLite source (which I have not tried). It would
have been nice it it was available somehow.

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