On Fri, 1 Aug 2014 09:26:14 +1200
Richard Warburton <rich...@skagerraksoftware.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Consider:
> CREATE TABLE enrolment (
> child   INT NOT NULL REFERENCES child (id),
>  start   INT NOT NULL,
> leaver  INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK (leaver BETWEEN 0 AND 1), -- BOOL
> );
> CREATE TABLE enrolmentItem (
> id          INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
> enrolment   INT NOT NULL REFERENCES enrolment (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
>  day         INT NOT NULL,
> start       INT NOT NULL,
> end         INT NOT NULL CHECK (start < end),
> );
> I'm looking for an elegant way to prevent enrolments having
> enrolmentItems if leaver is set to 1.
> This way, you can't change the leaver field if enrolmentItems are
> attached, and you can't add an enrolmentItem if leaver is set to 1.
> I think 2 triggers could work, but it seems overkill.  I could have a
> leaver field in enrolmentItem referencing leaver in enrolment and put
> a check against that, but I'd be storing unneeded data.
> Ideally, I'd like a check in enrolmentItem that can examine a
> different field in the referenced enrolment record.
> Suggestions?

http://www.sqlite.org/src/artifact/636024302cde41b2bf0c542f81c40c624cfb7012 for 
parent-child relationship example, it's for in-table relation but the in-code 
documentation is awesome, you can "steal" some ideas from it.

> Thanks.

---   ---
Eduardo Morras <emorr...@yahoo.es>
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