Jim Callahan jim.callahan.orlando at gmail.com wrote:

> 1. My condolences with those dimensions you are heading for "big> 
> data"/hadoop land.

Heheh thanks, I am so determined not to go there!  SQLite has been
such a nice simple database to use, I will do anything to avoid all
the complexity of those map-reduce solutions.

> 2. Worry about the number of rows; that's what feeds into the big-oh: O(n).
> Assuming your 150 columns translate into a 1.5k to 2k record length that
> means your 300 gigabyte file must have 150 (300 gig/2k) to 200 (300
> gig/1.5k) million records. That's a lot of n for O(n).

I've got about 200 million rows of 1,100 bytes each.  At least it's
linear.  I would love to partition the rows into 4 databases and query
them in parallel.  But that's just a fantasy, I can live with it for

> So, I would recommend double checking the specs of your SSD and not
> necessarily making the reasonable, but not yet true, assumption that
> solid-state has to be faster than mechanical.

I use an SSD for other reasons.  However, I've tested sustained
sequential read and I am getting 550MB/s.  I'm doing full table scans
so it's sequential.  This is on a laptop, and I am fairly sure there
are no mechanical 2.5" HDDs that can transfer 200GB at 550MB/s.

> One strategy that might work is to have an entirely separate (not joined) 8
> column table; develop queries (targets) on that database and then write out
> the primary key of the rows you are interested in to a separate table
> (CREATE TABLE AS SELECT primarykey FROM 8columntable WHERE yourquery;) and
> then JOIN the row reduced table to the main table. If your rowreduced table
> has millions of fewer records (primary keys) that's millions of rows (in
> the main 150 column table) where the precompiled SQL query doesn't have to
> be executed.

Cheers for that, I'll do some testing and see how I go!


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