On 6/10/2014 18:35, Clemens Ladisch wrote:
John wrote:
On 5/10/2014 19:59, Clemens Ladisch wrote:
The documentation <http://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html> says:
| These functions only work for dates between 0000-01-01 00:00:00 and
| 9999-12-31 23:59:59. For dates outside that range, the results of
| these functions are undefined.

All equivalent functions should return consistent results.

Why do you assume that "undefined" should imply consistency?  datetime()
could return "Cthulhu fhtagn" at the Ides of any month in such a year,
and there would be nothing wrong with it.  Undefined allows _anything_.

Ok Clemens, I concede, undefined does allow _anything_. God, it's got to be 40 years since I read Lovecraft.


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