I have a database that is updated (written) by one user and read by
another user.  So I use WAL mode to get concurrency.  I'm running

Both users are members of the same group.  The trouble is that Linux
ignores the setgid bit on the directory, so when a user access the
database, they will create the -wal and -shm files using their default
group, not the directory group of which they're both members.  So when
one is accessing the database, the other gets locked out because the
-wal and -shm files are created with the wrong group id.

Is there a way to prevent the -wal and -shm files from being deleted
after use, so that I can have them always have the right group?  Or is
there a way to tell Linux to observe the setgid flag on a directory

Steinar Midtskogen
sqlite-users mailing list

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