Jim Callahan wrote:>#26 The unique columns have non-null values (the answer 
says a lot more,>but that is the essence of what I am relying on).
Right, but the question was how to count rows as quickly as possible regarding 
any or all columnse.g. count(ProspectName) from Clients; 
One can imagine from some prospects you don't know the (real) name yet, just 
her or his emailAddress
>#1 If you have an integer primary key (which by definition in 
>SQLITE3>autoincrements) one might be able to get an approximate row count 
>faster>using the:
>sqlite3_last_insert_rowid() function.
If you're happy with an approximate count, but as soon as rows are deleted the 
last inserted row# may and will be more off an accurate value. Far off at some 
point in time that it becomes unacceptable for most managers.

>Jim Callahan>Orlando, FL
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