On 12/16/2014 10:57 PM, Ed Willis wrote:
Hello all,

Apologies in advance if this question has been asked and answered elsewhere – a 
(brief, admittedly) search did not turn up anything and so I’m posting this.

We’re in the process of upgrading sqlite in our service.  We were on a version 
which did not have the compile option SQLITE_FTS3_MAX_EXPR_DEPTH and are moving 
up to one that does.  As it turns out we have run into a problem with one of 
our clients where they hit this limit now where previously the query just 
worked.  My question is whether or not there’s any guidance on how to set this 
limit at compile time?  Part of my confusion is that I’m not sure what would 
have happened previously with no limit enforced (as was the case on our older 
version of sqlite) - was the risk stack exhaustion and a resulting crash or was 
it something else entirely?

Basically what I’m worried about is that we'll raise the limit to allow this 
one client to do their queries as they used to do, but will not know that we’ve 
raised it enough to allow all our clients to get the same behavior they were 
accustomed to?  How do people choose this limit?

The point of the setting is to prevent stack overflow. I guess to get the old behavior, set it to a very large value.

Are you able to post the FTS query that caused a problem with the default settings? Just the MATCH expression will be enough, we don't need the table schema or contents.

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