On 21 Dec 2014, at 10:01pm, jonathon <toki.kant...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 21/12/14 09:47, big stone wrote:
>> that I hope may help end-user/students popularity [2]
>> [2] http://db-engines.com/en/ranking_trend
> The methodology used by that site is tilted in favour of big data, and
> complex databases. Consequently, even if there are ten million SQLite
> databases for every non-SQLite database, SQLite won't rank very high.
> SQLite shines something that is created for a one time use, and then can
> be deleted, because it is no longer needed. Which is not to say that
> SQLite is not a good database engine. But for quick and dirty and work,
> SQLite is more suitable than Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, or
> PostgreSQL.

Also worth reminding people that (statistically speaking) almost no SQLite 
installations are in 
devices with permanent power-supplies and internet connectivity.  SQLite is in 
your tablet, your mobile phone, your TV, your PVR/DVR, your Games console, your 
car, your GPS device, and built into your web browser.  Almost nobody who is 
running SQLite knows they run SQLite.

This doesn't even cover SQLite's use on millions of embedded computers built 
into data-capture hardware like the device your courier uses to list their 
deliveries and capture signatures.

You cannot run an Oracle server on these machines.  (No slight to Oracle: 
that's not what Oracle is made for.)  Nor would someone learning SQL want to 
run an Oracle server to do their coursework on.  But they can fire up the 
sqlite shell tool and learn everything they need to about SQL, drawing less 
power than it takes to run Excel.  And they do.

So what do you think we'd see if we compared the number of real users of SQLite 
versus other database systems ?  You'd prefer to count installations rather 
than users ?  I can't even count the copies of SQLite running just on the 
gadgets in my home.  The laptop I'm typing this on has at least four.

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