On Mon, 26 Jan 2015 19:26:49 +0000
Luke Niewiadomski <lniewiadom...@thezerobase.com> wrote:

> I am looking to translate *.sqlite3 files into *.csv, or similar
> format.  Would you be willing to point me in the right direction?  I
> appreciate any help on this.  

        for T in $(sqlite3 -noheader $DB 
                "select name from SQLITE_MASTER 
                 where type = 'table'");
                sqlite3 -csv db "select * from $T" > ${DB}.$T.csv

That's the command you want, subsituting your database name for "$DB".
I can appreciate that it's not easy to read if you don't know Bourne
shell syntax, but if you can find someone who does, that will produce
one csv file for every table in the database.  


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