On Tue, 3 Feb 2015 02:43:00 -0700 (MST)
Jan Slodicka <j...@resco.net> wrote:

> Eduardo Morras-2 wrote
> > I use a big test db to assure new versions of sqlite works
> > properly. With it takes 43 minutes, with on same
> > hardware 27 minutes, it's 16/0.43 = 37% less or 27/0.43 = 63%
> > improve.
> Thanks, Eduardo. Could I ask you for a rough characterization of the
> test performed?

A ~8000MB db with app example data. More than 1000 query-corp created as part 
of test driven development of the app. We have precalculated the correct 
results in tables and its number of rows. No write, only read queries and don't 
use other improvements like partial indexes. Queries run in sequential order at 
a time.

Some queries test own sql functions and a virtual table, no improvements 
expected on them.

The test was done with same application version in debug mode and recompiled 
with on same computer. All tests passed.

---   ---
Eduardo Morras <emorr...@yahoo.es>
sqlite-users mailing list

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