The clocks went forward today.  This afternoon I selected "Music Folder"
on my SB3 and the server hung completely - all the devices lost their

I'm not sure I understand what you did. Did you select "Browse Music Folder" or something else? Because BMF (as we know it :-)) should not trigger the scanner to be run.

[16-03-28 16:38:04.0394] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (292)
Removing deleted audio files (0)
[16-03-28 16:38:04.0396] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (370)
Scanning new audio files (0)
[16-03-28 16:38:04.0399] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (450)
Rescanning changed audio files (21917)

However, this didn't seem to finish.  Maybe it would have done if I'd
left it long enough.  Anyway, that was on v7.9.0, 1450801618, Tue Dec 22
16:33:24 CUT 2015 (on Windows 10, music on NTFS).

Crap... that's indeed pretty much the behaviour we were seeing in the past.


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