I also have this warning:

46363: [16-05-22 17:08:52.8300] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1311) Warning:
[17:08:52.8290] Async::HTTP: Unable to load IO::Socket::SSL, will try
connecting to SSL servers in non-SSL mode

And now when I stop and start from SSOTS I get LMS start listed twice:

46360: [16-05-22 17:08:39.5673] main::init (368) Starting Logitech Media
Server (v7.8.1, 1461244851, Wed Apr 27 03:16:16 UTC 2016) perl 5.010000
46359: [16-05-22 17:08:39.5681] main::init (368) Starting Logitech Media
Server (v7.8.1, 1461244851, Wed Apr 27 03:16:16 UTC 2016) perl 5.010000

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