I thought that was the "&" too, but the other CD from the regretted
George Michael, "For the Feet" appears normally.21822
See the pic ? I added the first CD "For the Heart", the first track is
"ready to play" but is not in the playlist, then I added "For the feet",
one can see the list from the second album but the total play time is
the 2 albums.

Now that's really odd. What about the server.log file?

    Horodatage : 06/01/2017 22:18:33
  Avertissement : Propriété « -moz-opacity » inconnue.  Déclaration abandonnée.
  Fichier source : http://houlahop:9000/
  Ligne : 37, colonne : 16
  Code source :
  -moz-opacity: 0.5;

That's all there is? I'd say this is irrelevant. But from that latest screenshot I'm pretty sure it's a server side issue anyway, not in the browser.

Feel free to copy that double album to my dropbox account, so I could try to reproduce:



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