bpa wrote: 
> You can use perlbrew to help admin of multiple Perl versions.

I'd advise against using perlbrew for this use case.
> perlbrew is a tool to manage multiple perl installations in your $HOME
> directory. 
In this case, there is only a single perl installation (the system perl
will be untouched in any case), nothing to manage, and no usable $HOME
(as the LMS user is non-interactive and has no $HOME).
Basically, you add a layer of complexity without any benefit.
Just download the perl sources from 'here'
(http://www.cpan.org/src/README.html), untar, cd perl-x.y.z, run the
configuration, install:

    ./Configure -des -Dprefix=/opt/perl-5.24.3-LMS -Dusethreads
  make test
  sudo make install-strip

and use /opt/perl-5.24.3-LMS/bin/perl for LMS

SW: extGUI4LMS - new web UI: 'forum'
/ 'homepage' (https://www.nexus0.net/pub/sw/extgui4lms/) | 'LMSlib2go'
| 'music visualizer'
for squeezelite
HowTos: 'build a self-contained LMS'
| 'Ogg Opus support'
| 'Bluetooth with ALSA'
| ' update bundled perl modules'
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