T-bird wrote: 
> I'm guessing, since every line in your log mention it :)
> Edit: Or some of Erlands plugins what integrates with Sugarcube like
> trackstat


I dont believe this to be a Sugarcube issue, it just happens that it's
writing to the log at the same time as the system is writing to the

If you look at lines;
"database disk image is malformed"
"Trying to rebuild /volume1/@appstore/SqueezeCenter/Cache/library.db
from scratch."
"execute failed: attempt to execute on inactive database handle [for
Statement "SELECT value FROM metainformation WHERE name = 'isScanning'"]
at /volume1/@appstore/SqueezeCenter/Slim/Music/Import.pm line 682"

These indicate that the LMS database is screwed and therefore when
Sugarcube is trying to read the database it cant because the database is

(SugarCube doesn't write to the LMS database it just reads from it.)

I would try;
Stopping the LMS service
Renaming the .db files  (On a Wintel system these are under
ProgramData\Squeezebox\Cache not sure for a Synology)
Restarting LMS service
This should start a complete rebuild of the LMS databases, rather than
just a rescan.  If the database structure is damaged a rescan wont fix
the problem.

Ensure the scan completes fully and then try again.  Also check your
Synology SMART status and check you don't have lots of disk errors,as
googling "database disk image is malformed" is also an indicator of
potential hardware failure.

Hope that helps

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