Roland0 wrote: 
> Ratings (and play counts) are native to LMS, so if that's all you need
> (and file paths haven't changed), there's no need to import - the
> existing persist.db contains these, and they are not overwritten by a
> re-scan. TrackStat synchronizes it's own data with LMS' on startup. 
> However, if file paths haven't changed, why do you have to import in the
> first place? The TrackStat data in the database should be still valid.
> I'd use sed for this type of search/replace. Since you seem to use
> Windows, see 'here'
> (

Hi Roland0
Thank you for this information. I didn’t know about that, yet I’m not
sure.  According to Wiki, Tracks_persistent - is the table where
Squeezebox Server/Logitech Media Server stores its rating information.
When changing a rating in TrackStat it will always also write the
information to this table, but  the tracks_persistent table will
generally be overwritten during rescans. So there is some dependency
from the plugin.
In my experience, I had alwaays to restore the trackstat-infos after
changing the harddisks, but maybe I just missed that the ratings were
still there.

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