devgcl wrote: 
> Thanks Marco.
> I have been reading the Sox pdf... powerful tool indeed.
> Would you recommend having the Equalizer applied BEFORE or AFTER the
> effects?
> Also, how would you enter the following in the text field 1khz -4.5db
> (just to help me get started)?
> Cheers
> Dave

I've tried some time ago starting from the measures taken with REW, I
remember that I started with FIR, then entering all the points (31 *2)
using equalizer, but at  I ended up with a very simple single point EQ:

vol -9db bass +9 140 1s

140 is the first mode in my room and this way i got the best result,
even better than using q instead of s.

There is a difference in using the effect before or after resampling,
due to the automatic gain reduction to avoid clipping, I actually use

To reduce 1khz by 4.5db, you should decide how wide should be the
frequency band to be reduced (q).

Consider that over 200 Hz is advised not to use too narrow q factor,
where q is the ratio between the center frequency (1 KHz in you case)
and the bandwidth: In your case q=1 means 1Kxz, so 

equalizer 1K 1q -4.5 

will reduce 1K by 4.5 db, applying a gauss curve that at 500 Hz and at
1500 hz is -1.5 db.

using slope (s)  is the same under, but over 1Kz all freq are reduced by
4.5 db.

I'll try a wider q factor or, even better, something like:

vol -6db bass +4 0.5s  treble +4 5000 0.7s 

result is safer with some loudness effects and medium frequencies (from
200 Hz to 2000 Hz) lowered by 4 db.


reducing the 1Khz is exactly what the loudness effect does, but using
isophonics curves depending on the acustic pressure. Please consider to
use that instead.

In C-3PO you could do like that:

Loudness: gain (in dB):  -4.5
Loudness: reference (in dB):  the pressure you actually have when
listening, default is 65 (quite low volume).

This will  reduce 1Khz by 4.5Khz, where 0 and 20Khz (or the niquist
freq.) are leaved untouched, applying the curve as per 65db (see:

or (my preferred):

Manual gain reduction (in dB): 6
Loudness: gain (in dB): 4.5
Loudness: reference (in dB):  the pressure you actually have when
listening, default is 65 (quite low volume).

This will  reduce global gain by 6db, then  increase 0 and 20Khz (or the
niquist freq.) by 4.5 db, where 1Khz is leaved untouched, applying the
curve as per 65db (see:

You could decrease the reference level  (65db) to get sharper profiles
(increase to get smoother) or obvuiously increase/decrease the gain to
boost the effect, please remember to alwais decrease global gain if
using positive loudness gain in order to avoid clipping.

NOTE that you could also mix equalization and loudness, this is often
the best solution when you have modes in your room AND listen with
moderate volume (under 80 db).

Hope it helps.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
marcoc1712's Profile:
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