*'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'

'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'

================= QlogitechMediaServer version 2.00.01
===================================== 27-10-2018
* Some user could not find there music files after upgrading to 2.00
That's because they are symlink's in /share, and chroot can resolve
outside it's chroot environment.
This release will solve this issue !
* Some times a restart from the plugin pages, did not restart LMS again
Should be fixed !.
* On some Qnap systems there was a writing error on the pid file.
Is fixed in this release
* Small change on the startup of LMS, sudo will start a daemon.
+ Now also external HD connected to the Qnap nassystem, can be
found/used in LMS !

'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'

'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'

Developing was quiet a challenge to do, and took quiet a lot of times
and investigation, trying and testing.  Also had to go very deep, in the
way Qnap works and the layout of their software and filesysteem, and how
linux operates. But i think have kicked it, and release a very nice way
to let LMS running without any trouble's or errors. ( most of the old
errors and trouble came from older or missing software in the QTS )

Still having issue's or trouble, please be very clear and try to give as
many info as possible !.
Keep in mind i only own a ts-453a to work with ! (

NEXT UP WILL BE SUPPORT FOR ARM !. ( But gone take a bit  more time,
need to learn linux for arm)*

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.1 ( with spotty and youtube )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*
digimaster's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66919
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108292

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