Lateboomer wrote: 
> Also I have changed the file system to exFAT for usb external drive for
> the music library.
For exfat, I use the following mount options:

    nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, fmask=0133, dmask=0022, uid=UID, gid=GID, 
iocharset=utf8, namecase=0, nonempty

with UID and GID set to the squeezebox user/group id

> Now the other issue is the "Building full text index" is quite slow, it
> stays at (1 of 7) and doesn't move. 
> Is it normal to be that slow?
While it is indeed slow, it obviously shouldn't get stuck.
Check the LMS server logs

SW: 'Web UI for LMS'
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| 'Music Classification'
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