mrw wrote: 
> I've drafted up a patch to flac, and have attached it for any one
> interested. I'm no programmer, so any comments welcome before I take it
> further.
> It appears to be working successfully on my local arm box, but does need
> to be subjected to more rigorous testing, and cross platform testing.
> Key point is that I have avoided messing with locales, etc., and simply
> used one additional function from the standard C <string.h> library, so
> I hope it would be portable to all platforms.

I haven't been able to reproiduce the prpoblem. Trying to install PT_BR
locale on my ubuntu has failed - not sure why.
Window flac.exe doesn't fail no matter what I do with Region etc.

My own preference would be to use strtod_l and then make sure it only
uses the "C" locale - using strtod with different untested locales may
still have surprises.

Windows Flac.exe was built with VS so I'm trying to setup it up so I can
rebuild flac with extra message to be sure it is behaving OK on Windows
- but MS makes setting up VS2019 for simple command line C applications
painful. I have an old system with VS2015 setup for socketwrapper which
is the fallback.

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