Thanks everyone on the help so far! Here is my progress so far:

- Raspberry Pi Buster OS installed and updated.  
- AudioInjector Stereo Card working for input and output.
- LMS installed and service set to disabled as this LMS will be a backup
- Squeezelite installed and operational, but streaming quality stutters
after some time of playback.  Network connection is wired and CPU
utilization appears low.  I suspect the problem might be elsewhere in
buffering.  I set in the file
(/usr/local/bin/ the following lines to possibly
address the stuttering but the problem persists:   
SL_ALSA_PARAMS="50000:::0"  and    SL_BUFFER="50000".
- Having a problem with the ability to share application sound output,
or in other words, play sound from multiple applications at the same
time.  I tried setting up the ALSA dmix plugin, but, I concede I'm not
sure I did it right.  I created a file /etc/asound.conf with the
following code: 
     cm.dmixed {
  type asym
  playback.pcm {
  type dmix
  ipc_key 5678293
  ipc_perm 0660
  ipc_gid audio
  slave {
  channels 2 # make 6 or 5.1 channel
  pcm {
  format S16_LE # S32_LE
  rate 44100 # can also be 44100
  type hw
  card 1 # your card
  device 7 # your device
  subdevice 0 #important?

I have no idea if that's how to make it work.  I read through the ALSA
documentation ( but I'm
unsure how to implement it.

I had Audio Device Sharing working on my original NOOB build but I'm not
sure how I did it.  Could have accidentally or partially installed
PulseAudio or Jack, but I'm not sure.

Thanks all for you generosity!!!

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