Thank you for explaining the bahavior of favorites file -- before
editing, I stopped the LMS service on the server -- (I assume this is
the only service that needs to be stopped )

I was able to edit the opml file, and new headings etc showed up ... the
motivation for this is to find a better way to edit the listings of the
favorites, putting them in folders etc...the nano editor seems faster
than the web ui...

Bill Clark, Windham, VT

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.3 - 1582867832 @ Sat Feb 29 05:28:22
CET 2020
Hostname: ubuntu-lms  - ProxMox Virtual Environment 5.4-3 | Ubuntu 16.04
piCorePlayer | piCorePlayer v5.0.0 | linux 4.19.40-pcpCore_v7 | piCore
v10.1pCP | Squeezelite v1.9.2-1158-pCP
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