kidstypike wrote: 
> I/we have always been able to add a new album to the folder that LMS
> scans, and just by browsing to the new album and playing it, it is added
> to the database without the need for a scan. For the last few
> weeks/months (?) this is no longer happening, I need to scan the folder
> to add the new album to the database. This is with LMS 8.0.
> Just added the same album to a 7.9.2 LMS running on Win10, and browsing
> > Music Folder > new album > it's added to the database.

I suspect that your 7.9.2 has the AutoRescan plugin, and your 8.0 does
not.  If that's the case, you will need to modify the plugin's
install.xml to change its maxVersion to "8.*'.  The instructions in this
post look reasonable:

Touch --> Benchmark DAC3 HGC --> Counterpoint NPS200 MkII + NPS400 -->
Meadowlark Heron
Touch --> Schiit Bifrost 2 --> Eddie Current Aficionado --> HD800 SDR,
ZMF Verite Ziricote
and a third Touch for remote control, and a Radio, and a couple SB3s and
a Transporter somewhere
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