LMS has suddenly started behaving oddly. It starts ok, diagnostics in
control panel show as all good but no players in the info tab and no
access to we control etc.

Windows 10, lms 7.9.3

I have restarted multiple times and re-installed (although without first
removing) lms

Server log shows following on starting lms:

[20-07-27 16:52:04.7254] Slim::Schema::updateOrCreateBase (1736) Error:
{ TITLE => "" }
[20-07-27 16:52:04.9934] Slim::Utils::Scanner::findFilesMatching (158)
Warning: Found an infinite loop! Breaking out.
[20-07-27 16:52:17.3961] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1255) Warning:
[16:52:17.3956] ERROR: e

Any ideas?


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