As Thread Starter, is it possible for me to edit the Thread Title to add
"Port 9000 Unavailable" to it: there are now multiple threads addressing
the same curious phenomenon, seemingly solved by installing 7.9.3.  I'm
sure I've done a Tread Title edit before, but now don't see how to do

LMS 7.9.1 (1522157629)
Control: Web GUI; sometimes OrangeSqueeze on Android phones / pads

Machines / devices are in France, in two locations.
a) Sagem Livebox
Music: Internal HDD (FLAC music; mp3 voice), Desktop
3 x Touch - 2 wireless, 1 LAN. (7.8.0-r16754)
3 x SB Radios [2 wireless, 1 LAN] (7.7.3-r16676)

b) Freebox
Music: External SSD (all mp3), Laptop
1 x Touch LAN (Firmware:7.8.0-r16754)
1 x SB Radio, Wireless (7.7.3-r16676)
1 x Pair Riva Arenas (via Airplay LMS PlugIn)
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