Would it be possible to place a copy of the xml file on a different
server and update LMS to use the new location?

That would eliminate the server, I can check if one of mine is still
running tls 1 or 2.0

Something else must be going on. I'm still trying to understand what it is. But it certainly doesn't make sense in my head yet. Here are some findings:

- repository lookup would fail even if I used http without encryption from the beginning

- it's not only the repository which fails, but eg. TuneIn (Radios menu), too. Therefore moving the repository won't help

- 7.9.3 seems to be falling back ok, 8.0.0 does not

- if I revert a change in 8.0 which updated a 13 years old library with the latest one, 8.0 would work again

- I don't see this issue neither on macOS 10.15 nor on a Synology NAS nor on pCP 6

So there seems to be some funky interaction between Windows, ActivePerl 5.14, and LWP 6.46. Replace the first or the last and you're good. Don't know about the Perl version on Windows yet.


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