bpa wrote: 
> When testing it's best to be explicit about the version being tested and
> NOT to change version until a sequence of tests has been complted.
> Otherwise if the bug is in LMS and ti is a timing one - it may just
> "move"and change and may not be solved 
> Although, problem seems to be associated with newer version of LMS, the
> change in LMS exe for Windows make this seem unlilkely.  
> So need to confirm whether the problem is in LMS or something else. If
> stream breaks down when played directly by player - then problem is not
> LMS. 
> This test mean logging trying to play a FIP http/AAC stream directly on
> a player.  The log is needed to  confirm playing directly.
> The URL (note http not https) to be tested is
> http://icecast.radiofrance.fr/fip-hifi.aac
> Make sure the selected player is NOT synced and NOT proxied.
> 1. Enable logging player/source to INFO
> 2. Note time
> 3. Start playing the URL http://icecast.radiofrance.fr/fip-hifi.aac
> 4. Wait 30 secs of playing and then stop stream
> 5. Copy ALL log entries from start time to time when stream was stopped.
> Paste the log entries to a forum post - if too many lines, save lines in
> a text file, zip and attach to the post.
> Run test again, this time don't stop after 30 secs and confirm that
> stream does NOT stop/breakdown.
> If stream does not break down  - then we can prepare next test.
> If stream breaks down - then log has to be checked to confirm LMS is
> processing the stream and it is not being played directly..


Thanks bpa for all this instructions.
I'll try to conform the closest I can.

By the way I have a question regarding the stream being played directly
by the player.
I've unsync the 2 players I have stopped one and only play the other on
FIP stream using the plugin provided by Paul (http stream).
The player is not proxied.
When I kill the LMS server process than the player stops playing. Is it
normal or have I missed a configuration somewhere ?

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