>>>>> garym <garym.9se...@no-mx.forums.slimdevices.com>:

> steinarb wrote: 
>> Is there a URL on LMS8, I could access to get a remote control similar
>> to the one that mysb.com has?
>> Ie. something similar to
>> https://www.mysqueezebox.com/player/playerControl ?

> Yes, but even better. On any computer on your local network, in a
> browser go to:


> (replacing with the IP address of the computer running LMS
> 8.0)  If you're trying to control from the same computer running LMS
> 8.0, in your browser, go to "http://localhost:9000/"; in your webbrowser
> (without the quotes).

Thanks, I'm aware of that one.

But the GUI there is not very good on phones or tablets, the way the
https://www.mysqueezebox.com/player/playerControl is.

I especially likes that the tab can be turned into an icon that starts
the remote control almost like an app.

I wondered if there was a place on I could got
to get something similar to https://www.mysqueezebox.com/player/playerControl ?

> To get even nicer control, use the material skin, which would be:

Thanks! Is this one good on phones and/or tablets?

Can it be "torn off" and put on the start page of phone/tablets?

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