I have "overloaded" my favorites in LMS, and would like to remove a few
dozen entries....the gui works, but 1 at a time is pretty tedious ..

I see 2 favorites.opml files, and tried editing (nano) ... the edits do
not stay --- 

I am editing the files in the /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs folder
(ubuntu 20.04) ... maybe there is another file ??

Any gudance appreciated...

Bill Clark, Windham, VT
Logitech Media Server Version: 8.0.0 - 1605892076 @ Fri Nov 20 21:27:07
CET 2020
Hostname: ubuntu-lms  - ProxMox Virtual Environment 5.4-3 | Ubuntu 20.04
piCorePlayer | piCorePlayer v6.0.0 | www v0005 | linux
4.19.105-pcpCore_v7 | piCore v10.3pCP | Squeezelite v1.9.6-1206-pCP
kappclark's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=29572
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