philippe_44 wrote: 
> It's already there. If you select "iTunes" in the Podcast provider (it
> in the Podcast tab) then in the settings for the PodcastExt plugin
> you'll see a country. I agree it's a bit contorted, but I would need to
> add a "capability" in the Provider base class for the ones that can use
> country, so that's another item displayed in the podcast settings - It's
> probably doable now, it was not at the beginning but that will only be a
> 8.3 solution

Hmm - this seems to not work for me (LMS8.2 on Raspberry Pi Zero):
When I select Apple/iTunes in the Podcast Tab (and save that), there is
nothing in the PodcastExt plugin settings page to set a country.
Even after a reboot - nothing.

Am I overlooking something?


|Filename: Settings.JPG                                             |

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