Dear MRW and Michael, 

thank you for answer; I probably misunderstood the meaning of the log.
The fist time, (which I had not had the patience to let it complete
beforehand) indeed it transferred some 20,135 files of the 25,935 files
that I have in my library: which explains why it took so much time (more
than 10 hours) ; now this morning I launched it again with no changes in
files and it took a few minutes to check the whole bunch of files...

So my fault: I thought the files actually being transferred where only
those marked with +++++++, and that is not true; also those marked
> are being transferred although not they are not changed; the
time stamp probably is different although I really don't understand
why.. when I attach the usb to the Mac, it doesn't recognize them as
different and it goes very quickly; in the apple script I indicate that
the Mac has a different unicode with iconv option (I had found it in
rsync forum) see the script below; but when the usb is attached to the
RPi it doesn't seem to take it into consideration, and it transfer the
Now all it ended well, the sync is quick now that I transferred all teh
files, I'm just wondering why in any case it took more than 10 hours
(isn't it too much?) but most important why it considers the files has
being different from the Mac to the RPi; now teh question is what if I
attach Che usb to the Mac ? will it consider them again as having a
different time stamp and will it copy them again from the scratch? that
will will mean that I'm obliged to make the sync always from the same
machine either the RPi or the Mac, otherwise one will always change the
time stamp to the other, am I right?

Best regards


here is the apple script:

on run
        tell application "Finder" to mount volume
        set {Button1, Button2} to {"Cancel", "OK"}
        display dialog "Sincronizzare la cartella Music su Raspberry Pi usb
drive ?"
        set TheButton to button returned of the result
        if TheButton is Button1 then error number -128 -- a button named
"Cancel" will also quit
        if TheButton is Button2 then
                do shell script "/usr/local/Cellar/rsync/3.2.3/bin/rsync -avhi
--iconv=UTF-8,UTF8-MAC ~/Music/Music/MusicLibrary.musiclibrary
/Volumes/mysusbdrive/Music > ~/Desktop/Library.log"
                do shell script "/usr/local/Cellar/rsync/3.2.3/bin/rsync -avhi 
--delete --iconv=UTF-8,UTF8-MAC --exclude .DS_Store ~/Music/Music/Media/
/Volumes/myusbdrive/Music/Media > ~/Desktop/Media.log"
                say "Sincronizzazione terminata!"
                display dialog "Sincronizzazione terminata " & return & (current
        end if
end run

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