Hey all,

First time poster so hopefully I'm doing things right...

I've had a pair of Squeezebox Booms for just over 10 years, flawless
performance and don't know what I'd do without them.
For the last 6 of those years I've run LMS on an Ubuntu server (16.04).
A few months ago I did a clean build of 20.04 and migrated everything
over and things have been great.

However, since the August LMS update (8.2.0 - 1627922070) I seem to be
experiencing random crashing of the LMS server software.
It can happen either with or without playing music when it happens. A
reboot of the server will resolve it, but in 6 years I've never had the
LMS server crash.

Just wondering if there's anything I can do to diagnose and hopefully
resolve the situation?


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